Sunday, February 6, 2011

Catching up

Yikes! Guess this is what happens when I actually have to work...

Saturday, January 22: Ahh... bliss!

Sunday, January 23: We were responsible for bringing Sunday supper to church tonight. As usual, we overestimated the food we'd need. This is fried chicken leftovers for the forseeable future.

Monday, January 24: Progress on the DNA scarf!

Tuesday, January 25: My current book: The Help. Excellent.

Wednesday, January 26: Rebecca practicing, and happily!

Thursday, January 27: Talent show practice. Act is Camp Hoop: The Hula Jam. Kathryn makes it look completely effortless.

Friday, January 28: Oops. Oh well, 27 days in a row isn't bad.

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