Friday, January 21, 2011

A work week's worth of pictures

Except Monday was a holiday.

The best thing to do on a holiday? Take an afternoon nap. So I did. And when I woke, I came downstairs to find this.

This is the spot where the Christmas tree WAS. John and the kids put everything away while I dozed. What a treat to not have to pack all that stuff away!

On Tuesday, I made pulled pork. It was good. So good that I couldn't wait (aka: forgot) to take a picture before eating. So here's a picture of the dirty Dutch oven instead.

On Wednesday, I walked into my office, looked at the picture that's been on my whiteboard for close to two years, and decided a photograph of this masterpiece was way overdue.

No, I did not provide input for any of the content.

On Thursday, it snowed.

3 inches, maybe? Two more days of school cancelled for the kids. Oh, joy.
I wish it would REALLY snow. Like 6-8 inches, minimum. If we're going to have to deal with all this inconvenience, it might as well be for SOMETHING.

When we were in Singapore the Christmas before last, Becca was fascinated with this waving cats that we saw in stores all the time. I think the cats were supposed to be bringing good luck, or something. Dear Aunt Wee Lim remembered Becca's obsession, and sent her one this week!

So here's lucky cat, waving goodbye to a long week.

1 comment:

  1. "That, over there, is my awesome house made of cheese." I love that SO MUCH. LOLOLOL
