Thursday, January 6, 2011

I'm just not a very good photographer

I guess that's why I usually let John take the pictures.

I'm not sure why, but on a whim, I decided that I would join this challenge to take a picture every day this year. Maybe I just need another thing to not accomplish. But oh well.

So far it's been quite difficult. Mostly because I just forget, then scramble to take some random picture late in the day when the lighting is lousy. At least, that's my excuse. But here's what I have so far:

Jan 6: One ball of a beautiful yarn that I splurged on a little while ago. I'm always drawn to RED. Someday soon it'll be a sweater (see other challenge). Of course, Becca had to be in the picture too.

Jan 5: Lousy picture at the gym. I initially forgot to turn the flash off, but that picture was even darker than this one. And the zoom on this little camera is a bit too wimpy. But hey! Proof that Becca also does gymnastics!

Jan 4: Kathryn spends a LOT of time in this position. Like mama, like daughter. But I have outgrown the pen-chewing.

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea, Joyce. Good luck taking a picture each day.

