Sunday, October 18, 2009

Here we go again...

Look! I have time to knit again!

That can only mean one thing.

Meet season is upon us!

On Saturday we drove four long hours to New Castle, Indiana, home of some high school fieldhouse that's apparently pretty big. It was all set up for a gymnastics meet.

We sat for four more hours on bleachers that weren't that comfortable, trying to keep Becca amused,

and watching Kathryn compete for a total of maybe 5 minutes. More good knitting time (when she wasn't competing, that is).

Good pictures were a little hard to come by - we were more interested in watching the action.

Start of floor routine:

Some move on the beam whose name I don't remember:

Getting ready for the run to the vault (which happens so quickly that we've never managed a picture):

No good pictures on the bars, because the bars are always in the way.

At awards, she won the judge's award (a package of candy!) for "best scale". My (bad gymnastics mom) reaction - "What's a scale?!"

Here's the scale.

My back hurts just looking at it.

She also got a few other awards. I think she did pretty well.

The team did great too - note all the little girls with the same leotard also receiving awards. The team took 3rd place overall, but we couldn't get a picture of 7 screaming, excited little girls.

Here's the haul.

Becca needed to get in the picture too.

Full results:
Level 5, 9 and under age group:
  • Vault: 9.100, 2nd place
  • Bar: 8.000, 12th place
  • Beam: 8.550, 5th place
  • Floor: 8.900, 2nd place
  • All-around: 34.550, 3rd place.

One down, a bunch more to go! There'll be a lot of car-riding, bleacher-warming and knitting in the next few months!

(P.S. I don't know why some of the pictures are off-center. It's the upload, not the photographer.)

1 comment:

  1. Your daughters are, as always, beautiful. When did they get so big, though?? Love the pic of Becca pouting. Looks familiar. ;)
