Tuesday, November 24, 2009

My favorite source for spices

I admit it. I'm a food snob. At the very least, I'm a food snob wanna-be. Sometimes I cook. From scratch, even. I was telling my friend today that I actually went to the trouble of making the bread for the Thanksgiving stuffing. Once. And I made a pumpkin pie from fresh pumpkin. Once.

But I digress.

I always get my spices at Penzeys. I don't remember how I heard about them, but I've been mail-ordering my spices from them since they were just a mail-order catalog and two stores in Wisconsin. Then they opened a store on Grand Avenue in St. Paul. What a treat it was to go there. I'd open every jar of herb and spice to take a good whiff. And they had hot pepper flakes that were actually HOT. And 3 different types of cinnamon!

Then we moved to a god-forsaken city with no Penzeys, (Los Angeles) and I mourned the loss.

These days we're three hours from at least three Penzeys stores (St. Louis, Indianapolis, Cincinnati) and I try to make a point to stop in when we're in the area. I think we went around last March, to the one in Columbus, OH. (Another gymnastics meet. Nothing else in Columbus, you know.) I browsed, John broke a jar of cinnamon (they were really nice about it) and the kids sat in the kids' corner and drew pictures.

Today I got a Penzey's catalog in the mail. Check it out here. Page 13, especially. (Hint: Check out the ART on page 13. Anything look familiar?)


  1. There is a Penzeys store in Torrance, CA -
    21301 Hawthorne Blvd
    Torrance, CA
    (310) 406-3877

  2. Yeah, but it wasn't open when we lived there :)

  3. I took some of my work friends to the Penzey's store in Rockville. The Indian and Bangladeshi women said it was all very nice, but were shocked at the prices compared to the international/ Indian market. So, no converts that day...
