Thursday, February 24, 2011

It's official...

I think it's ok that this photo isn't in order...

Look what I got in the mail today.

And yes, John got one too. And they only had to change about 4 words on it!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Time to breathe...

The past 2 weeks, more or less:

Sunday, 2/6: Kathryn singing in the choristers choir. She glared at me, but I took the picture anyway.

Monday, 2/7: Kathryn and Becca opened a restaurant! Here's the menu. Unfortunately, I came home after the restaurant had stopped serving for the day.

Tuesday, 2/8: You should read this book. ALL of you.

Wednesday, 2/9: A bit of workplace 'harassment'. I was just the photographer; I was totally innocent...

Thursday, 2/10: Rebecca's love note to me:

Friday, 2/11: Valentine's Day party in Rebecca's class. I have never seen such a well-behaved group of 5 year olds. Kudos to the teacher!

The craft project - a Valentine's hawk, for the school mascot.

Saturday, 2/12: We watched Gnomeo and Juliet, but it was dark in the theater, so no pictures. Rebecca LOVED the 3-D glasses. I didn't love the $3 upcharge per person quite as much. I'm cheap.

Sunday, 2/13: Kathryn had a gymnastics meet in Indianapolis, but Rebecca wanted to stay home so she could go to church and choir practice and see her beloved teacher, Judy. I did have to get up at 6 am to do Kathryn's hair. And she scored her first 9 of the season - a 9.1 on the beam!

Monday, 2/14: Kathryn and Rebecca came to my office to bring me a V-day present, and left a present on Ann's whiteboard next door too.

Tuesday, 2/15: I deliberately didn't take the picture of my present till today. My game, my rules!
"And mommy, when you kill these, you can still plant the bulbs in the yard!" Ah, my family knows me well.

Wednesday, 2/16: Kathryn finally got to be in the 9.0 club picture at gymnastics! I'll save my thoughts about whether this is rubbing it in for the less successful girls for another time.

Thursday, 2/17: Darwin Day lecture. I (in a moment of insanity) volunteered to participate in the panel discussion and give a short presentation on how Darwin's work relates to the stuff I think about. I think my preparation time to presentation time ratio ended up being about 30 to 1. And that's only because I went about 15 minutes over time. But the story of how butterflies make spots is just TOO DARN COOL.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

More catching up

Sunday, January 30: Rebecca singing in the cherub choir at church. Thankfully, this was just the rehearsal. She was (slightly) less grumpy during the real thing.

Monday, January 31: After procrastinating for weeks, I finally opened the package of student evaluations from last semester. This was one of the TWO comments I got for my majors' class. Sigh.

Tuesday, February 1: Out of focus, but since it's the only picture I took today, it'll have to do. Kathryn bringing the team trophy (3rd place!) to the coaches.

Wednesday, February 2: Frogs? Yes! Frogs (Xenopus laevis for the geeks among us) that my students will be working with this semester. I've never worked with 'real animals' before. They are big. And need care. I think they should've stuck with the fruit flies.

Thursday, February 3: Happy Chinese New Year! I'm going to cheat and use this picture, even though it was taken on Saturday. Thanks to PoPo for sending lucky money! (How funny! This was file number 888. Lucky picture!)

Friday, February 4: Seems like I'm getting in the habit of forgetting to take pictures on Friday...

Saturday, Febrary 5: Talent show day! Kathryn's group did a wonderful job, and Rebecca loved the whole show. I couldn't get a good picture of the show, so here's a backstage one. The halo around Kathryn's hips is the hula hoop.

First gymnastics meet of 2011

Saturday, January 29. This was the Judges Cup, at the State Fairgrounds in Indianapolis. I actually took a few pictures this time - usually John takes all of them. These were all during warm-ups; Kathryn says that it makes her too nervous if we take pictures during competition.

Back walkover (I think):

Cast on the bar:


Full turn on the beam:

Handstand dismount off the beam:

And two 10th place finishes!

Catching up

Yikes! Guess this is what happens when I actually have to work...

Saturday, January 22: Ahh... bliss!

Sunday, January 23: We were responsible for bringing Sunday supper to church tonight. As usual, we overestimated the food we'd need. This is fried chicken leftovers for the forseeable future.

Monday, January 24: Progress on the DNA scarf!

Tuesday, January 25: My current book: The Help. Excellent.

Wednesday, January 26: Rebecca practicing, and happily!

Thursday, January 27: Talent show practice. Act is Camp Hoop: The Hula Jam. Kathryn makes it look completely effortless.

Friday, January 28: Oops. Oh well, 27 days in a row isn't bad.