Sunday, June 14, 2009

Succumbing to peer pressure

Fine. I'm here.

Truth is, I'm here because I'm really supposed to be prepping for tomorrow's class and I left my textbook at work so I guess I can't. Bummer.

Hardest thing about this blogging thing? Coming up with some witty name. Everyone else seems to be able to do it, but not me (or is it I?)

So I thought I'd go with what I expect to put on here.

Kids. Two. Spirited (and that's an understatement), funny, aggravating, amazing.

Knits. Make them, but don't often keep them. I like it that way.

Eats. Always preparing them. (as in the noun. I needed to make the title grammatically consistent. I'm obsessive that way). Sometimes I even come up with something good.

Work. Yeah, have that too.

Other stuff. Of course I can't be expected to limit myself!

And that's that for now. Back to the work part...


  1. LOVE the title. I hope that you start posting pics of cool recipes you try and awesome sweaters you complete. you've got models to wear them and everything! can't wait to see what you come up with...

  2. Good way to keep up with what you're up to.
