Saturday, June 20, 2009


Remember the song "Ironic", by Alanis Morissette?

That song drove me nuts. A long list of things that weren't ironic. Rain on your wedding day? Bad luck. Traffic jam when you're already late? Ditto. Black fly in your chardonnay? You get the picture.

Anyone who knows me knows that I don't do the great outdoors. At least, not when it's warm out. (Ski slopes with fresh powder? No problem.) Certainly not on a day like today, with temperatures in the mid-90s and high humidity. Summer and I do not get along.

I didn't stray from my urban habitat today. Divided my time between work and home. Spent maybe 15 minutes between my driveway and garage, helping a friend move boxes that he needed to store here temporarily. Went to dinner. Sat on the bench outside the restaurant for a few minutes waiting for a table.

Our names were called. We sat down, ordered, waited for food. I happened to look down. Hmm. How did I get that scab on the back of my knee? Looked more carefully. That's no scab. That's a tick!

Visions of Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Are there ticks on the kids? How long do I have to sit here before I can get this THING off me? John tells me not to pick it off with my fingers. I, true to form, freak out for the remainder of dinner.

Finally, we get home. John performs his minor surgery (I can't look!) and expertly removes the darn thing. Healthy, very much alive, and thankfully, flat. I expertly identify it, with the help of google. A lone star tick.

Now, that? Is irony.


  1. ewwwwww...i'm so glad john stayed calm through it all and performed the surgery. and i used to love that alanis song. now i'm going to think about ticks when i hear it :)

  2. I am going to google this thing. You mean you are not suppose to flick it off?
