Monday, June 29, 2009


A couple of weeks ago, I received a package of yarn. Opening it felt a little like Christmas - I didn't know what I was going to get. Warm Woolies is this great organization that sends hand-knit woolens to children in orphanages in China and Russia, among other countries. They will also send you yarn for the price of shipping, so that you can knit lots of socks and sweaters for them. I love it.

My previous shipment contained skeins of a lovely wool/cashmere/silk blend, which I (not-so) promptly turned into socks and sweaters:

This time, I got three different yarns, and I'm still trying to figure out what they will become. To warm up, I made a pair of socks that Kathryn wanted, but which didn't fit her (and which she couldn't have anyway).

It seems weird to be making thick warm woolies when it's been so hot that today's 89 degree high felt like a cold snap, but really, I wouldn't have it any other way.


  1. You've even knitted one sweater with different stripes and colours!

    I am really impressed.

  2. oh! the finished sweaters are phenomenal!
