Thursday, August 6, 2009

What I did in July

We've come to the point in the summer when I realize that it's about time I started thinking about fall classes, fall syllabi, fall schedules. The luxury of not working for a living is almost past. And as usual, I have about the same list of to-do's at summer's end as I had in the beginning.


I feel so un-accomplished.

Except that I did teach in June. And supervise research students in June and July. (Yes, the 'not working for a living' thing is a sad myth.) And rip up a deck. And watch the Tour.

And I knit. Warm Woolies has a contest this summer. Six for six - knit six items that would fit a six year old child and win some knitting gifts. Sounded good, so I decided to go for it, even though I haven't finished the ten for ten contest - ten sweaters or pairs of socks suited for a ten year old.

I got started around July 6. And finished the last piece August 4.

Maybe I did accomplish something this summer after all.

1 comment:

  1. these are so awesome! i am so glad you are knitting. you are like a machine, dude. can't wait to take a picture of myself in my blue scarf to send you. you are very accomplished this summer, dear friend.
