Monday, July 6, 2009

Finishing stuff up

I have a short attention span. Seriously, my mind has wandered to 4 different topics in the time it has taken me to type this line. (Maybe I need to learn to type faster.) So these past couple of weeks have been a time of BIG accomplishments. I'm actually completing knitting projects (slightly) faster than I'm starting new ones.

When I first started knitting again (I learned before college. That sweater was never finished, and I have no idea where it is.) Kathryn begged me to make her a sweater. This was when she was young enough that mommy was omnipotent and omniscient. She asked many times, but I always declined. I really didn't think that I had the ability to actually finish something before she outgrew it. So I stuck to knitting blankets for her dolls, and dishcloths which were promptly co-opted as blankets for her dolls, and baby blankets that became blankets for... you know.

Then I discovered Warm Woolies and motivation, and finished a sweater in a month. Kathryn, older and wiser, declared that I had no excuse for not making her a sweater. But winter was just about over, and nobody in their right mind would wear a sweater in Evansville in the summer, so I compromised with a little shrug.

And I actually finished it while it still fit! (it took about 3 months, if you're wondering, but I took a long hiatus for the scarf.)

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