Saturday, July 18, 2009


Rebecca turned 4 the other week.

The celebration started with a Dora pinata.

(Note that Becca's clothes match Dora's. NOT my doing.)

The pinata and mini-cupcakes were taken to preschool so that we could bless the teachers with 20 over-sugared 4 year olds.

When we got to school, Ben had to give Becca a birthday hug. (Ben as in "Yes, I want those yellow cupcakes because yellow is Ben's favorite color. Oh my.)

After preschool we came home for present-opening. We accidentally went overboard (PSA: only shop ONCE. Not multiple stores on multiple days.) and the grandparents also sent gifts, so she made out like a bandit. A very cool-looking bandit.

Wait. No birthday party?

But of course.

Since Kathryn had been psyching Becca up about her party for oh, a year (!) we couldn't escape this one. Since Becca had been talking about Sydney's Chuck E. Cheese party for the last eleven months, the venue was a no-brainer.

So we had two little friends (Sydney and Wyatt) and their parents and siblings, and two grown-up friends (Ann and Bryan) join us at CEC on Monday afternoon.

The party started with some playtime. Adrenaline junkie loved the roller coaster simulator.

Then came food and cake and the goofy Chuck E. Cheese stuff.

Our party coordinator was fantastic, but Becca was not going near that crazy mouse. So Kathryn went instead.

And then we continued with more playtime and more roller coaster simulators.

Everyone (yes, including the grown-ups!) had a great time. We made the dangerous discovery that you can actually get beer and wine (!!) at CEC. I think that John, Ann and Bryan are planning to sneak there some night after the kids are in bed to play pinball.

And since the party was 5 days after the real birthday, Becca seems to think she's had TWO birthdays and is now five. Oye.

1 comment:

  1. Your daughters are just gorgeous. Becca, however, should not be old enough to have a "Ben". :)
