Sunday, June 6, 2010

The problem with this blogging thing

is that I forget to take pictures.

And then I think I can't blog about whatever it was because I didn't take any pictures of it.

This post has no pictures. I was too busy being in the moment to take pictures (read: too lazy).

This weekend:

  1. I brought home 20 plus pounds of cherries after less than two hours of cherry picking.
  2. I pitted more than 10 pounds of cherries.
  3. I dried 5 pounds of cherries and froze the other 5.
  4. I learned that 5 pounds of cherries, dried, equals something like 1 cup of cherries.
  5. I discovered that only half my family actually likes cherries.
  6. On a non-cherry-related note, I dropped my first-born child off at camp.
  7. I think I will survive 5 days without said first-born child.


  1. What camp? And where'dya pick the cherries? Sweet or Sour?

  2. Camp Carson in Princeton. I think I'm counting the days till I can send Becca (2 years and a month).
    Farview Orchard in Wadesville. They had sweet and sour. We picked the sweet ones. I think I should have picked some sours, just to try them.
