Monday, June 28, 2010

A quick little project

Turned out quite well, I think. Took only 3 days or so around the craziness of end-of-the-year grading and stuff (well yes, I knit when I have too much to do. And yes, it took me a long time to get this picture taken and downloaded.) I still need to get to the store and find a clasp for it, but it's been worn many times already.

Becca has placed an order for a 'rainbow' one. I'm working on finding the perfect yarn.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I may never eat again

I'm currently watching Food, Inc.

Don't watch this movie if you want to enjoy cheap supermarket food ever again.

It's compelling, and disgusting, and horrifying, and depressing.

I learned a lot I didn't want to know. And I had considered myself pretty knowledgeable about food production.

Now I wish I could stick my head in the sand.

In the summer, I get my vegetables from a CSA. I love it. I'm thinking about joining a meat CSA too.

I'm lucky I can afford these options. But what about those who can't?

Sunday, June 6, 2010

The problem with this blogging thing

is that I forget to take pictures.

And then I think I can't blog about whatever it was because I didn't take any pictures of it.

This post has no pictures. I was too busy being in the moment to take pictures (read: too lazy).

This weekend:

  1. I brought home 20 plus pounds of cherries after less than two hours of cherry picking.
  2. I pitted more than 10 pounds of cherries.
  3. I dried 5 pounds of cherries and froze the other 5.
  4. I learned that 5 pounds of cherries, dried, equals something like 1 cup of cherries.
  5. I discovered that only half my family actually likes cherries.
  6. On a non-cherry-related note, I dropped my first-born child off at camp.
  7. I think I will survive 5 days without said first-born child.