Sunday, December 27, 2009

A year of knits

(Yes, you've seen some of these pictures before. I just wanted to put them all in one place.)

The year began with the Warm Woolies 10 for 10 campaign - 10 items for kids aged 10 or older. It took me till the end of November to finish all ten.

Then there was the 6 for 6 campaign - 6 items for 6 year olds. I think this one was finished sometime in August.

And the FeelGood campaign of the last post - here are the pieces I made.

One more pair of socks for Warm Woolies, just because...

And some non-charity pieces:

The tally: 10 pairs of socks, 7 sweaters, 4 vests, one shrug, one scarf, one pair of booties, and one hat (not pictured).

Not a bad year's work. Especially considering I had never made anything but flat pieces (blankets, scarves, shawls, throws) before January.


  1. Joyce, these are really beautiful. I'm so impressed! I can't wait to hear about your trip, too. Tell me more about how hot it is ... (can you tell I'm freezing?) ...

  2. Wonderful! Wish I had learnt some knitting from you while you were here. I can start with handkerchief - sounds easy enuf - knit and purl :-)
