Sunday, December 27, 2009

A year of knits

(Yes, you've seen some of these pictures before. I just wanted to put them all in one place.)

The year began with the Warm Woolies 10 for 10 campaign - 10 items for kids aged 10 or older. It took me till the end of November to finish all ten.

Then there was the 6 for 6 campaign - 6 items for 6 year olds. I think this one was finished sometime in August.

And the FeelGood campaign of the last post - here are the pieces I made.

One more pair of socks for Warm Woolies, just because...

And some non-charity pieces:

The tally: 10 pairs of socks, 7 sweaters, 4 vests, one shrug, one scarf, one pair of booties, and one hat (not pictured).

Not a bad year's work. Especially considering I had never made anything but flat pieces (blankets, scarves, shawls, throws) before January.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Warm Woolies FeelGood Campaign

Back in October I received a package. About 7 pounds of yarn wound into two huge cones, one purple, and one black. This was a donation from one of my favorite classic clothing stores, Lands' End, which had teamed up with Warm Woolies to provide clothing for children on tribal reservations here in the United States. (Lands' End garments made from FeelGood yarn can be purchased here. No, I didn't hand knit any of these :) )

With the help of my good friend Heidi, (almost all) the yarn was knitted up into sweaters, vests and hats.

Here is our handiwork, minus one hat, which was cast on and completed while I proctored final exams just before I packed up the lot and shipped it off. I still feel guilty about the 4 oz or so of yarn I didn't manage to use up (could've made another hat!), but there was just more yarn than time.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Puppy dog eyes

During that long, long, long flight, we were lucky to have personal on-demand screens on the back of each seat. Rebecca watched Bolt about four times in a row.

Yesterday, Rebecca spotted Bolt again. She REALLY wanted us to get it.

That face almost made me give in. And no, we don't have an Xbox 360.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Christmas vacation!

We got on an airplane (or three) and took a long, long trip.

Enjoying Twizzlers for sustenance while waiting to get on the plane in Chicago. Becca was still in a good mood, having no understanding of the concept of 27.5 hours travel time.

We came to Singapore for Christmas. Becca has never been, and Kathryn doesn't remember much of it. We met cousin Khloe for the first time and bonded immediately.

Note how Khloe looks cool while Kathryn and Becca have hair plastered to their faces. Guess you have to get used to the heat. And no, not a dry heat. At all.

To cool off, I introduced the kids to ice kachang - shaved ice covered in syrup over weird stuff like undercooked red beans (the kachang). The ice was a huge hit. The kachang - not so much.