Sunday, September 6, 2009

Maybe it's time to rename the blog

to 'Joyce has nothing to say'. Except I do, but haven't gotten around to it.

Stuff that has happened in the past few weeks which I haven't gotten around to blogging about:

  1. I have a 9 year old! When did that happen?!
  2. I survived said 9 year old's birthday party. A slumber party. 10 girls, including mine. Miraculously, all made it out alive.
  3. I am teaching again. It's like a marathon, and I didn't train anywhere close to enough.
  4. I am singing again. It's good.
  5. I have about 6 pounds of yarn donated from Lands' End to knit into warm clothing in the next 3 months. 6 pounds is a LOT of yarn.

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