Monday, September 5, 2011

And it's the first day of school!


The first first day was back in August.

They went to school for three whole days, and then we left for England-Germany-England.

Here they are on their second first day. Don't they look so smart in their uniforms?

Kathryn is in Year Six, which is really 5th grade, and so I guess she's repeating a grade. If she were to go on to Year Seven, she would have to go to the high school in Grantham, and it's just easier to have her in the village school (less than a mile's walk away) with Rebecca.

Rebecca should really be in Year Two (1st grade), but that class was full so they placed her in Year One. They 'tested' her today and decided at she might be bored in Year One, and so she's going to Year Three, as long as it works out socially. They told her all this beforehand, and when John went to pick her up from school, she explained the whole situation and declared, "So I'm going to give it a go!"

Didn't take her long to pick up a little British!

We had some special guests at the manor today

A group from The Old Vic came and performed some scenes from Romeo and Juliet, using the Great Hall's balcony for the balcony scene. No pictures, unfortunately.

But afterwards, there was a question/answer session, and we WERE allowed to take pictures. It's not a great shot, but I think you can tell who came...

It was a brilliant evening.