Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Happy birthday to me!

I shopped for myself this year, and told everyone else not to bother.

With perfect timing, both packages showed up on the doorstep this morning.

That's one summer top for me (teal), one backpack for Kathryn (deep blue, from a pattern that's in the book), one summer top for Becca (the rest of the blues and the green), and one pretty dark red something - maybe a shawl - for me.

At least, that's what they'll be someday.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Trying again...

A little randomly for now, until I get caught up a little.

No, I haven't managed to take a picture every day. Either my life is rather routine, or I have little imagination. Probably some of both.

On April 6 or so I cast-on for a little shrug for Kathryn. She wanted it for Easter.
By late evening I had made good progress!

No other interim pictures, but I got done for Easter dinner! Didn't make it in time for church though.

It fits!

(Pictures were actually taken on Mon, Apr 25. Easter was a tad busy.)